Calling all collectors, or those of you who just enjoy shopping for unique treasures, look no further than the Sun Health Resale Boutique in Sun City and Sun Health Resale Shop in Sun City West.

You never know what vintage and antique items you’ll find at these locations and in our EBAY Shop.

Take, for example, the array of original records from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s donated by a collector to the Sun Health Resale Boutique. These records were made at the time the first record player, the Victrola, invented how we listen to music and other recorded sounds. They’re made of shellac rather than vinyl and are one-sided.

The Resale Shops also receive art pieces in a variety of forms, such as Cajun folk art in the form of pecan and cornhusk dolls, and mid-century pottery from the famous pottery companies of Southern California and Ohio. Looking for a desk for your home? The Boutique has a beautiful art deco (early 1900s) secretary desk. Perfect for tablets and laptops.

These are just a few of the many treasures you’ll discover. Along with the fun you’ll have shopping, you’ll also feel good about the impact you’re making with every purchase that supports critically needed healthcare services in our community through the Generosity for Generations Campaign. And remember that on top of the weekly sales, employees receive an extra 10% off items when they bring their badge, and there’s no sales tax. Not receiving those weekly sales alerts on email? You can sign up by calling (623) 974-1010 or emailing

For locations and hours, visit